Monday, March 31, 2014

Project 17: Movie Poster

What did you do good?
  I did good at layer masking, putting the quote, and adding the disney logo.

What will you do better?
  I will do better at adding more information of the movie, and putting more pictures.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Project 19

Pre-Project 6

  • the color scheme
  • the way the table is arranged
  • the detailed background

  • the unique design of the staircase
  • the white background
  • the saying, and the logo of the channel 

  • the arrangement of credits
  • the saying on the bottom
  • how it looks very simple

  • the background
  • the colors
  • the way the people are placed

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Project 18

What did you do good?

  I did good at using the gradient tool, and putting the designs.

What will you do better?

  I will do better at merging pictures, and making the design better.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Project 17

What did you do good?
I diid good at choosing the appropriate pictures for the business card, and putting information.

What will you do better?
I will do better at layer masking.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Project 16

What did you do good?

 I di good at adding a lot of pictures to the collage.

What will you do better next time?

 I will do better at making it blend more.

Pre-Project 5

How do you do layer masking?

  You do layer masking by adding layers over layers. You get different pictures and you place them on top of each other, and you merge the images together to make a collage.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Pre-Project 4

What tools did you learn?

  1. Marquee tool
  2. lasso tool
  3. move tool
  4. paint brush
  5. pencil
  6. bucket tool
  7. gradient tool
  8. clone tool

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Project 14: How to Video

What did you do good?

  We did good at summarizing the steps.

What will you do better?

  We will do better at animations, and more pictures.

Project 15: Prezify your PowerPoint

1) What did you do good?

   I did good at finding the appropriate pictures, and getting information.

2) What will you do better next time?

  I will do better at animations, and more effects.

Project 13: Prezi Basics- Science Fair Experiments

1) What did you do good?

  I did good at researching that facts, and shortening my procedure to be simple.

2) What will you do better next time?

  I will do better at using more animations, and add pictures.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Project 12: Autobio

What did you do good?

I did good at putting nice pictures, and presenting a bio of my life.

What will you do differently?

I will do better a animations, and more pictures.