Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Project 26:

Text Formatting

Preformatted Text & "Computer Output" tags


Abbreviations and Acronyms

Text direction & Quotations & Deleted and inserted text & Mark/highlighted text

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Project 22: Book Cover

What did you do good?

   I did good at clip masking, and blending in the pictures.

What will you de better?

   I will do better at adding more credits, and have examples of the publishing on the back of the cover.

Pre-Project 8: Clip Mask

How to do clip masking:

  1. Paint the first layer any color with the bucket tool.
  2. Choose a background.
  3. Use the marquee tool, and bring it to the first layer.
  4. Use the text tool, then rasterize the layers.
  5. Go under edit, and free transform.
  6. Use the wand tool, and click the word.
  7. Delete the layer the the text.
  8. Then add layer mask.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Project 21: Magazine Cover

What did you do good?
I did good at choosing the images, and blending it together.

What will you do better next time?
Next time, I will concentrate more on layer masking, and making the designs nicer.

Pre-Project 7: Color Splash



How to do color splash:
  1. Choose a picture.
  2. Duplicate the background.
  3. Go to adjustments, choose hue and saturation.
  4. Move the saturation level all the way to the left.
  5. Choose the box colorize.
  6. Use the eraser tool, and adjust the diameter.